
I am a researcher. My main research interests are focused on social, interpersonal, cognitive and affective correlates and consequences of the Dark Triad of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellanism and psychopathy. I am also interested in evolutionary psychology, person perception and social relations investigated with network analytical tools. You can visit my homepage here.


Current projects

  1. Social cognition and interpersonal self-regulation in narcissism. OPUS grant awarded by National Science Centre, Poland. Principal investigator: Anna Czarna (2016-2019).
  2. The Dark Triad and moral and economic dilemmas. SONATA grant awarded by the National Centre for Science, Poland. Principal Investigator: Anna Czarna (2014-2017).
  3. Motivational, affective, and cognitive sources of knowledge formation process: Implications for intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup phenomena. MAESTRO Grant awarded to prof. Małgorzata Kossowska by the National Centre for Science (2012-2017).

Past projects

  1. Narcissism. Postdoctoral research fellowship financed in the framework of SCIEX-NMSch by Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitäten (CRUS), University of Bern, Switzerland. Host mentor: Carolyn C. Morf, Fellow: Anna Czarna (2014-2015)
  2. Dark Triad. Postdoctoral fellowship co-financed by the European Union (the Human Capital Operational Programme) within the SET project at Jagiellonian University (2013-2015).
  3. Narcissism and social functioning: maximizing own gains and conditions of including other people’s interests.Grant awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Education. Supervisor: Prof Andrzej Szmajke, executor: Anna Czarna (2010-2013).
  4. Two types of narcissism: grandiose and vulnerable – analysis of differences in chronic selfawareness levels, affect and social functioning. PRELUDIUM grant awarded by the National Centre for Science, Poland. Principal Investigator: Anna Czarna (2011-2014).


Publications in English

  1. Czarna, A.Z., Leifeld, P., Śmieja, M., Dufner, M., & Salovey, P. (in press). Do Narcissism and Emotional Intelligence Win Us Friends? Modeling Dynamics of Peer Popularity Using Inferential Network Analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Full text available here
  2. Czarna, A.Z., Jonason, P.K., Dufner, M., & Kossowska, M. (2016). The Dirty Dozen Scale: Validation of a Polish Version and Extension of the Nomological Net. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (0045). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00445. Full text available here.
  3. Kossowska, M., Czernatowicz-Kukuczka, A., Szumowska, E., & Czarna, A.Z. (2016). Cortisol and moral decisions among young men: The moderating role of motivation toward closure. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 249-253. Full text available here
  4. Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Czarna, A.Z., Piotrowski, J.P., Baran, T., & Maltby, J. (2016). Structural Validity of the Communal Narcissism Inventory (CNI): The Bifactor Model. Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 315–320.
  5. Czarna, A. Z., Wróbel, M., Dufner, M., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2015). Narcissism and Emotional Contagion: Do Narcissists “Catch” the Emotions of Others? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(3), 318-324. doi:10.1177/194855061455965.
  6. Jaśko, K., Czernatowicz-Kukuczka, A., Kossowska, M., & Czarna, A. Z. (2015). Individual differences in response to uncertainty and decision making: The role of behavioral inhibition system and need for closure. Motivation & Emotion, in press.
  7. Wróbel, M., Królewiak, K., & Czarna, A. Z. (2015). Do I mirror your mood if we’re peas in a pod? Similarity and liking in the social induction of affect. Journal of Social Psychology, 155(6), 636-649. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2015.1047437.
  8. Zajenkowski, M., & Czarna, A.Z. (2015). What makes narcissists unhappy? Subjectively assessed intelligence moderates the relationship between narcissism and psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 50-54. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.12.045.
  9. Czarna, A. Z., Czerniak, A., & Szmajke, A. (2014). Does Communal Context Bring the Worst in Narcissists? Polish Psychological Bulletin, 45(4), 464-468. doi: 10.2478/ppb-2014-0056.
  10. Czarna, A. Z., Dufner, M., & Clifton, A.D. (2014). The Effects of Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissism on Liking-based and Disliking-based Centrality in Social Networks. Journal of Research in Personality, 50, 42–45. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2014.02.004
  11. Dufner, M., Rauthmann, J. F., Czarna, A. Z., & Denissen, J. J. A. (2013). Are Narcissists Sexy? Zeroing in on the Link Between Narcissism and Short-Term Mate Appeal. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 870-882.
  12. Jonason, P.K., Li, N.P., & Czarna, A. Z.(2013). Quick and Dirty: Some Psychosocial Costs Associated With the Dark Triad in Three Countries. Evolutionary Psychology,11, 172-185. 
  13. Czarna, A., & Szmajke, A.(2011). Can cigarette smoking make a man appear sexier and stronger to women? Studia Psychologiczne, t.49 (5), 23–40. doi: 10.2478/v10167-010-0038-4.

Publications in Polish

  1. Czarna, A. (2011). Narcyz w sieci społecznej czyli co analiza sieci mówi o funkcjonowaniu osób narcystycznych.[Narcissist in a social network. What network analysis tells us about functioning of narcissistic individuals]. Psychologia Społeczna, t.2, 130-146.
  2. Czarna, A. (2008). Narcyzm – z perspektywy 120 lat istnienia pojęcia.[ Narcissism – from the perspective of 120 years of the concept’s existence].W: Winiecki, P., Grzybek, R. (red). Wybrane problemy współczesnej psychologii [Selected readings of contemporary psychology]. Wrocław: ATUT, 95-117.