A new paper coauthored by Katarzyna Jasko from our team published in PSPB!

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Discourse about people seeking refuge from conflict varies considerably. To understand what components of this discourse reach refugees the most, authors examined refugees’ perceptions of how their host communities perceive them (i.e., intergroup metaperceptions). They sampled refugees who fled Syria to Jordan, Lebanon, Germany, and the Netherlands. Focus groups with 102 Syrian refugees revealed that the most prevalent metaperception discussed by refugees was that they thought their host communities saw them as threatening (Study 1). Surveys with 1,360 Syrian refugees and 1,441 members of the host communities (Study 2) found that refugees’ metaperceptions tracked the perceptions held by their host communities (i.e., they were accurate), but there was also a significant mean difference, indicating that they were positively biased. Analyses further tested the roles of evaluative concern and group salience on metaperception accuracy, as well as differences in accuracy and bias across country and perception domain.
Highly recommended!