In this academic year, we held a series of lab meetings, which provided a platform for researchers from our lab to discuss ongoing projects, share insights, and foster an environment of continuous learning. Apart from that, we had the pleasure of hosting sixteen meetings with invited guests, which added an extra layer of inspiration and knowledge to our regular sessions. They have not only ensured a consistent foundation for ongoing collaboration within and beyond our lab but have also broadened our perspectives with the knowledge and expertise of invited guests. We believe these experiences have collectively enhanced our research quality and fostered a culture of continuous improvement.
The full list of this year’s speakers and talks includes:
1.Zafer Ozkan, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow: First meeting
2. Andreas Ollson, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm: Social learning and decision making in the human brain
3. Manos Tsakiris, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, London: Feeling the body-politic: the view from affective neuroscience
4. Jakub Kryś, Institute of Psychology, PAN, Warsaw: WEIRD Happiness Maximization
5. Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow: Relative deprivation, social media use and conspiracy theories
6. Thomas Costello, MIT, Massachusetts: Thinking outside the ballot box: Political psychology beyond left and right
7. Katarzyna Cantarero, Institute of Psychology, SWPS Wroclaw: On the role of objective falsity, intention to deceive and prosocial vs egoistic motivation in evaluating lying
8. Karen Douglas, School of Psychology, University of Kent: The psychology of conspiracy theories
9. Aidan Campbell, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto: Effort increases feelings of meaning
10. Nurit Schnabel, Tel-Aviv University: The needs-based model of reconciliation: Main findings and new directions
11. Greg Depow, Work and Play Lab, University of Toronto: Effort and Empathy
12. Stefano Pagliaro, Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, University of Chieti-Pescara: Employees’ Experience in The Workplace: Ethical Climate, Organizational Identification and Trust
13. Ulrich von Hecker, School of Psychology, Cardiff University: Spatial representation of coherence
14. George Abakoumkin, Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly: Instances of the supportive role of personal and collective nostalgia for the self
15. Mioara Cristea, School of Social Sciences, Heriot-Watt University: Institutional trust matters: examining the role of institutional trust in explaining individual and collective behaviors in times of crisis
16. Jan Lorenz, School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences, Constructor University: Experimenting with theories of attitude change in artificial societies to study societal radicalization, consensus formation, polarization, fragmentation, and the emergence of filter bubbles
17. Huseyin Cakal, School of Psychology, Keele University; The wolf looks after the pack and the pack looks after the wolf: Antecedents and Consequences of Social Leadership as a Fragile Identity in The Context of a Multi-Actor and Violent Conflict
18. Avi Kaplan, Psychological Studies in Education, Temple University: Researching Human Action as a Complex Dynamic System with The Dynamic Systems Model of Role Identity