Summary of lab meetings 2023/2024

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In this academic year, we held a series of lab meetings, which provided a platform for researchers from our lab to discuss ongoing projects, share insights, and foster an environment of continuous learning. Apart from that, we had the pleasure … Continued

A new paper coauthored by Theofilos Gkinopoulos!

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Anti-Gypsyism is a deeply entrenched form of ethnic bias in Europe, characterised by realistic conflict perceptions, social norms approving bias, unacknowledged historical victimisation, and denial of cultural autonomy. Mainstream prejudice reduction interventions may have limited applicability to anti-Gypsyism, because prejudice … Continued

A new paper by Theofilos Gkinopoulos and colleagues!

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A new paper by Theofilos Gkinopoulos and colleagues in Sexuality Research and Social Policy! Below please find an abstract: Introduction Homosexuality constitutes a topic of ongoing debates not only in lay, but also political and religious discourse. At the same time, … Continued

A new paper in the Journal of Individual Differences!

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A new paper by colleagues from our Centre published in the Journal of Individual Differences! Most research on depressive rumination is generally related to performance deterioration. Rumination, however, may be adaptive if it is associated with reflection, improving task performance. … Continued