A new paper in British Journal of Social Psychology by Maciek Sekerdej, Mirjana Rupar, Katarzyna Jamróz-Dolińska and Maryna Kołeczek from our lab!

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Maciek Sekerdej, Mirjana Rupar, Katarzyna Jamróz-Dolińska and Maryna Kołeczek from our lab just published a paper in the British Journal of Social Psychology!   In order to clarify the perceptual underpinnings of critical national attachment, they examined the links between constructive … Continued

PhD defence of Marta Maj

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We are happy to announce that Marta Maj from our lab has recently defended her doctoral thesis entitled ‘Facing Hypocrisy: Cognitive Dissonance and Strategies of its Reduction Regarding Value Importance’. The thesis was written under the supervision of Małgorzata Kossowska, … Continued

Małgorzata Kossowska awarded with a CHANSE grant!

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Małgorzata Kossowska was awarded with a CHANSE grant in a call “Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age”. Project title: “Moving From Networked To Patchworked Society: Motivational Unperpinnings and Societal Consequences” The main goal of the project is … Continued

A new paper in Psychological Science!

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A new paper in Psychological Science by Ewa Szumowska, Natalia Wójcik, Paulina Szwed, & Arie W. Kruglanski! People typically prefer feedback consistent with what they think of themselves and reject feedback inconsistent with their self-views (e.g., they disregard compliments they … Continued

A new paper in Personality and Individual Differences by Maryna Kołeczek, Katarzyna Jamróz-Dolińska, Mirjana Rupar, and Maciej Sekerdej from our lab!

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Maryna Kołeczek, Katarzyna Jamróz-Dolińska, Mirjana Rupar, and Maciej Sekerdej from our lab just published a new paper in Personality and Individual Differences. They found differences in the way critical and uncritical patriots think. Critical patriotism is the willingness to criticize one’s … Continued