A new paper in “Motivation Science!”

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A new paper in Motivation Science coauthored by Ewa Szumowska and Małgorzata Kossowska from our lab! It is commonly surmised that restrictions limit freedom. Yet, the sense of freedom is a psychological experience only partially determined by objective restrictions. Deriving … Continued

A new paper in “Group Processes & Intergroup Relations”!

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This study investigates the longitudinal effects of aiding war refugees on perceptions of intergroup threat and the prospective fear of being affected by military conflict. Authors hypothesized that engaging in helping behaviors directed towards refugees would prompt individuals to perceive … Continued

A new paper coauthored by Theofilos Gkinopoulos!

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A new paper coauthored by Theofilos Gkinopoulos in “Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology”! Theo was also a guest editor in the special issue called “Social Norms and Peace”. To explore the multifaceted roles of social norms and peace … Continued