Thank you for attending Kraków Small Group Meeting on Cognitive Consistency!
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The meeting will be held in Kraków, between 20-22nd May 2016 at the Institute of Psychology (Ingardena street 6).
Research on the topic of cognitive consistency has had a long tradition in social psychology (Festinger, 1957, 1964; Abelson et al., 1968). Over the last sixty years, numerous studies have been conducted to investigate Festinger’s proposition that “the existence of nonfitting relations among cognitions is a motivating factor in its own right” (Festinger, 1957, p. 3). The assumption that incongruent beliefs produce negative tension which motivates a restoration of consistency has inspired research in domains ranging from decision-making to attitude change and social influence, among many others. However, important theoretical questions remain; as such, there has recently been renewed interest in the topic of cognitive consistency (Gawronski & Strack, 2012). The goal of this small group meeting is to enable a fruitful exchange of ideas between researchers working on the topic of cognitive consistency. Here are examples of questions that the meeting would focus on:
- Is cognitive consistency a goal in itself as suggested by Festinger (1957), or is it better understood as a means to a goal? And if it is a means, what is the goal served by this means?
- What are the factors that determine the degree of cognitive inconsistency an individual experiences?
- Does any expectancy-violating information necessarily evoke negative affect, or can inconsistency be related to positive emotions in certain circumstances (e.g., positive surprise)?
- What individual differences and contextual factors moderate reactions to inconsistency?
- What are the neuropsychological reactions to expectancy-violations?
These fundamental questions will be discussed in depth at the Kraków Small Group Meeting.
Invited speakers
We are pleased to announce the list of confirmed invited and keynote speakers:
- Cindy Harmon-Jones (University of New South Wales),
- Arie Kruglanski (University of Maryland),
- Andrzej Nowak (Florida Atlantic University and University of Warsaw),
- Travis Proulx (Tilburg University),
- Bill Swann (University of Texas at Austin),
- Piotr Winkielman (Universtiy of California, San Diego),
- Bogdan Wojciszke (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sopot),
- Rex Wright (University of North Texas).
Kraków Small Group Meeting is organized under honorary patronage of
Rector of Jagiellonian University prof. dr hab. med. Wojciech Nowak
Should you have any questions, please contact Katarzyna Jaśko at