EASP statement of support: Ukraine

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“The Executive Committee of EASP fully supports the sovereign rights of the people of Ukraine and fully condemns the Russian attack on their country. As social psychologists, many of our research topics focus on avoidance or de-escalation of conflicts, but also on persuasive communication, negotiation and prosocial behavior. This war in Europe points to a brutal reality that our work now finds itself contextualized in. It has been an EASP tradition that we reach out and try to support each other. In light of the recent development, we have thus decided to re-activate our scholars-at-risk program for:

Our colleagues in Ukraine
Members residing outside of their home country that are dependent on support from their home country, but are not able to receive this due to the war
The members of the Executive Committee serve as point of contact for the above-mentioned measures.

The Executive Committee of EASP”

>>The original statement<<